In our day-to day life, we work and live with certain scenario to achieve something. From our childhood days, we follow scenarios knowingly or unknowingly. As children, we knew about them.... For instance, if we go and ask for a car toy from our parents, some of them won't buy us saying, that is not necessary, you already have many car toys, so you end up without the toy, this is Scenario 1. The same thing when we ask our grand parents, most of them will say come let us go and buy this, which colour do you want?, You end up with your favourite toy, this is scenario 2. Most of us might have followed Scenario 2, because it benefits our interests. So, we somehow determine the development of an event, the result, and we decide whom to ask, what and when. This is how a scenario works.
In the same way, climate does have a scenario. Let us see it simply, from my perspective. From this day on... If we emit more green house gases, the climate of our sole living planet will become disastrous, this is Scenario 1. it may not be a happy ending (how many of you have watched the movie Don't Look Up?). If we do take some measures to mitigate the green house gases, the climate may sustain, this is scenario 2, so we may live with some adaptation and mitigation measures. If we take utmost care to null the effect of green house emissions like that of net-zero emissions, this is Scenario 3, we survive together with our planet, our generations might have a chance to experience the beautiful earth that we enjoyed and lived with.
Similarly, there are climate scenarios, given by the scientific community, that we read and hear in the news, are from Intergovernmental Planet on Climate Change, where a group of scientists develop various scenarios, keeping in mind the probable future changes and outcomes. Now, you might be wondering what these are for? What am I going to do after knowing this, aren't these for policy makers?.... To answer your question, this is to give an insight to us about what is in the store for us in the upcoming years or decades or centuries. With these we can try to take some measures in every aspect of our life, like cycling or walking or using electric vehicles, using renewable energy, changing our preferences, reusing and whatever that comes to your mind for net zero emissions.
Hope we plan a perfect scenario to live in harmony.
Stay tuned! to know more about climate scenarios.